The Farm Spotlight Series


Why are we doing this?

We understand that everyone is competing for attention.  Competition is everywhere, in every industry, and farming is no different.  You want people to know about your farm, what you breed, what you do.   You want followers.  You want more customers too.   We appreciate every single person that signed up on the LivestockCity platform, and we are so excited about it, that we want to tell others how great you are!  If we can help you out, then we are meeting our goals.  LivestockCity’s goals are to enhance livestock farmers by helping them save time, make some aspects of farming easier, and to increase revenue.   So you see, this is another way for us to meet our own goals.  

And we can definitely help farms get more exposure.  Even as we are a new and growing platform, we are still a platform with a reach that is getting more popular.  Our farm members’ farm profiles get picked up in search engines like Google, driving more traffic to them.   We also have our own followers on other platforms such as Facebook (plus we own a bunch of groups there too!), X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, Bluesky, TikTok, and others. You will definitely get a boost.


Okay, what’s the catch?

The only requirement is that you are on the LivestockCity site, which is free.  There’s no obligation, no cost, nothing owed to us at all.   As stated above, this is being done out of appreciation  of you.  You signed up on our site.  Without you, we have no network, so thank you!


Limited Offer

Right now we plan to carry out spotlights while we have some spare time to devote.  As we get busier, we might not be able to do as many of these, and there’s no guarantee we will always do this, so if this interests you, you should jump on this right away!


An Offer for the wise

Do you know a great opportunity when you see one?  We think those that are wise will enthusiastically take advantage of this offer – is that person you?


What you need to do to begin

To get started you just need to let us know and contact us.

Categories: General