National Herd Management Week

In celebration of the relentless dedication of our farmers, we proudly present “National Herd Management Week.” Farm managers, who often wear multiple hats, juggling responsibilities as both owners and caretakers, play a pivotal role in the agricultural world. Their to-do lists include scheduling appointments, tending to sick animals, procuring supplies, feeding, grooming, maintenance, meticulous record-keeping, and more. These unsung heroes are the true engines that drive our farms. This week, we embark on a journey to delve deeper into the art of herd management and explore innovative ways to optimize this practice on your farm.

Why Herd Management Is Paramount for LivestockCity

LivestockCity was conceived with one goal in mind: to empower farmers by maximizing their revenue and efficiency. Herd management stands as a cornerstone of livestock farming, with the well-being and productivity of animals directly linked to it. Therefore, addressing the intricacies of herd management aligns seamlessly with our mission. Our approach aims to streamline the process, leveraging the power of the internet and integrating seamlessly with the other features offered by LivestockCity.

A Time-Consuming Challenge

Managing records, if not handled efficiently, can become a laborious task over time. Initially, keeping records in a simple spiral notebook might seem manageable. However, as the volume of records grows, the challenge of retrieving specific information from these notebooks becomes apparent. Imagine a scenario where a potential buyer requests a comprehensive history report for an animal – would you want to sift through pages of notebooks? What about managing multiple breeding seasons? It’s easy to overlook or forget crucial details from previous years, leading to inefficiencies. There’s nothing more frustrating than investing time in providing extensive information to a prospective buyer only to hear nothing in return.

But How Does LivestockCity Save You Time?

With LivestockCity, each animal receives a unique ID. This ID serves as the key to their dedicated “profile page,” which can be set to public or private. These profiles contain a wealth of information, including images, videos, registration certificates, birthdates, identifying markers like ear tags, species and breed, gender, age, color, health records, show results, breeding history, and much more. Once your animals and their data are entered, the real magic happens:

1.  Effortless Sharing: No more hassles of compiling information and photos for interested parties. You can effortlessly share an animal’s profile by entering their email address or direct them to your Farm Profile Page.

2.  Quick Data Entry: Competing at a livestock show? You can add show results for animals on the go, directly from your LivestockCity account, saving you precious time. Bulk recording is also an option, making tasks like vaccination for a large number of animals a breeze.

3.  Seamless Transfers: When you sell an animal, you can seamlessly transfer the complete profile to the new owner. It disappears from your records and becomes a part of the new owner’s herd.

4.  Set Reminders: Never forget important dates again. Set reminders for vaccines, medical treatments, or breeding cycles. LivestockCity ensures you stay on top of your herd’s needs.

5.  Vet Collaborations: Temporarily transfer an animal’s record to your veterinarian’s LivestockCity account for essential updates, and then bring it back to your records afterwards.

6.  Swift Selling: Adding your animal profiles to online auctions or classifieds is a breeze. Select the animals you want to sell, and you’re good to go.

7.  Mobile Data Entry: Whether you prefer tablets or smartphones, you can conveniently enter data from the field as you work with your animals.

Data at Your Fingertips

With LivestockCity, your data is always at your fingertips. No more fumbling for information at crucial moments. Whether you’re at a show, sale, or conference, you’ll have your herd’s specific data readily available, making interactions with potential buyers or industry events more productive.  Our herd management is FREE service and always will be free for you if you sign up soon.